Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How do you get blue oil paint out of carpet?

my two doxons got a hold of a tube of blue oil paint, they chewed threw it and got it on there paws and now i have little puppy footprints on my crpet. how do i get rid of it?How do you get blue oil paint out of carpet?
';Right after the spill occurs, blot up as much paint as possible using clean absorbent paper toweling. Gently blot the area with clean paper towels until they can no longer absorb the stain. Never rub or wipe a stain. Doing so will grind the paint into the fibers, making the stain impossible to remove.

After blotting up as much paint as possible, find several clean, dry rags. Use white rags so you can see your progress in removing the stain from the material. Apply a small amount of paint thinner or turpentine to the first rag. Blot the stain gently, being careful not to grind it into the fibers or deeper into the pile. Use clean rags to continue this process until the stain is gone.

After the stain has been lifted using turpentine or paint thinner, clean the area using a carpet or upholstery-cleaning product of your choice. Allow it to dry, and vacuum the area.

Remember to always use caution when working with paint thinner or turpentine. Provide adequate ventilation, and always use gloves when using it for stain removal purposes. Paint thinner and turpentine can irritate or burn the skin. If it does come in contact with exposed skin, immediately wash with soap and water.

After the material has dried, there may be a lingering odor from the solvent. If the scent of turpentine or paint thinner remains, apply a moderate amount of baking soda to the area. Let it sit on the material for an hour, and thoroughly vacuum it up. Go over the area with a spray-on odor neutralizer. This should eliminate any lingering scent left by the solvent. If an odor remains after the neutralizer has dried, repeat the process.

You may want consider trying another method of extracting oil paint from carpeting or upholstery. After blotting up as much paint as possible with clean paper towels, sprinkle a generous amount of white flour over the stain. Gently brush the flour into the fibers of the carpeting. The flour will act as an absorbent sponge to extract the stain. It may not be necessary to apply a solvent after using the flour. Allow the flour to absorb the stain for a few hours, and vacuum it up. If some of the stain remains, apply more flour to the area and brush it in. Allow the flour to absorb the stain for a few more hours, and vacuum the area.

If any of the stain remains, apply turpentine or paint thinner to a clean rag, and gently blot the spot. Repeat this process until the stain is removed. Follow the same procedure for odor elimination as instructed above.

';How do you get blue oil paint out of carpet?
Here is a site that I would highly recommend. They have very high quality stain removal techniques. I would suggest repeating the process after the first application, and rinsing the rug out with cool water in between applications. Best of luck!

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